Graco True Focus Digital Video Baby Monitor Review

Graco digital video baby monitor

Graco True Focus Digital Graco True Focus Digital Video Baby Monitor Review 1

Video Baby Monitor

The Graco Digital Video Monitor is an innovative and secure video baby monitor that offers you the best technology to keep your baby safe and sound, and to keep you relaxed and happy.  The Graco baby monitor offers an exclusive vibration alert for when your baby is wakeful, but you don’t want everybody else to wake up also!

What this means is that you can choose the vibration alert setting, which notifies you when your baby is awake through a series of vibrations through the handset of the parent monitor.  This will provide you with all the warning that you need to go and tend to your baby, or you can choose to let them re-settle themselves.

Either way, you can continue to monitor your baby safely and with complete control, even though nobody else needs to be bothered by the noise of baby crying.

We have outlined all of the best features of the Graco video baby monitor so that you can make an informed decision about your choice of the best baby monitor for you.

Secure Digital Technology for

your Graco Baby MonitorGraco digital video baby monitor

Graco’s True Focus Digital Video Monitor provides all parents with the latest technology in video baby monitors to give you peace of mind.  You can be assured that you will always have a clear, secure and private video connection with your precious baby. With the latest secure encrypted digital technology you get the twin benefits of performance and privacy, so that you will never have to worry about what is happening in the nursery.

Vibration and Light Up Alert

As we described above Graco offer an innovative solution to the baby monitor alert system, which includes an exclusive vibration mode, as well as warning lights, and of course the normal video and audio alert signals so that you can clearly see and hear what you baby is doing.

You can easily choose and change between settings whenever you need to, so at night time, you can be in control without waking the whole family for a minor disturbance.

Interference Free

The most important feature of a video baby monitor is that you don’t want to have to put up with interference over the monitor signal.  This can cause many problems with cheaper models, when you get false alarms, static noise interfering with the signal, or glitches over the digital signal.  The Graco digital baby monitor operates at 2.4 GHz so that you don’t get interference from other wireless signals, and this means you get clear video signals, and no white noise static over the audio signal.


Brilliant full Color videoGraco digital video baby monitor

You won’t be disappointed by the brilliant color images and the high resolution screen that comes with the Graco video baby monitor.  The screen is a very handy 60 mm in size, and offers full color and high resolution so that you can see all the details.

Day or Night Vision

No matter whether you baby is having a day time nap or if it is in the middle of the night, you will be completely reassured that you can check on your precious baby.  The Graco video baby monitor can handle both day and night time conditions, and still pump out excellent quality video and picture images.

Battery Backup

The Graco Video baby monitor can run off either mains power or battery, and this is an excellent feature because if the power goes out during the middle of the night, it is good to know that the baby monitor is still operational.  The unit will even warn you when the backup battery is getting low on charge, so that you will never get caught our when the power goes out.

Close Control

Whenever you feel the need to have a close up view of your precious baby, the Graco True Focus digital video system has got you covered. You have the control over pan, tilt and zoom, so you can always keep a close eye on things!

What is the Time

When you have a little baby in your house, we tend to lose track of time, we tend to be sleep deprived, and life can become a bit of a blur between diaper changes, feeding times, and when it is time for the next nap time!  The Graco baby monitor has a built in clock which we found to be very handy to help look after the baby’s wake, feed, play, sleep cycle!


Long Range so that you can be mobile

No matter where you need to be around the house, doing chores, or even in the garage, the Graco video baby monitor has a nice long range of signal, so that you get do your chores or get a quick workout session without worrying about when your baby wakes up.

Carry with you convenience

You never need to feel remote from your baby, as you can easily take the Graco parent monitor unit with you around the house.  Clip it onto your belt, or leave it on the kitchen bench, either way, you will be sure to hear the slightest noise in the nursery, and be able to check up on what your baby is doing.


Graco digital video baby monitor Summary:

The Graco video baby monitor will never let you down, and with the latest technology video and audio sensors will always keep you connected to your precious baby.  Check it out at Amazon today!
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