Top 6 Reasons To Uncover Your Baby’s Gender and 6 Reasons To Not

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Is it a boy or girl? This is a question that will keep popping up – and probably has been since even before your pregnancy was confirmed.  Are you going to find out the answer to that breathtaking question – or not. You may also find yourself swinging between two minds as to whether to get that specific information from the ultrasound – or not. Arguments on this topic have never stopped. It is kind of confusing, but here we’ve put together top 6 reasons to find out your Baby’s gender and 6 reasons to not.

Top 6 Reasons to Find Out Your Unborn Baby’s Gender

1.Be more connected. Some pregnant woman recount that they don’t feel so connected with their unborn little ones as others. By knowing the gender of your unborn baby, you might feel a stronger connection with them. You can talk to them by their name, which sounds like you have already met them face to face.

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2. Divide one piece of joy into two. I agree with the saying that a baby’s gender is a big surprise on delivery day, but why not make two moments of pure joy out of it?  It will be a big surprise if you get to know the baby’s gender in the middle of pregnancy just the same as at birth, plus the happiness of officially greeting him/her to the family on delivery day.

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3.It is kind of a reward. For some mothers-to-be, it is a great reward for months of malaise to find out the baby’s gender in the middle of their pregnancy. This might help them to adjust to the more uncomfortable physical aspects of pregnancy, to stay happier and healthier.

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4.Get yourself more prepared. That being said, you have months to prepare all the sex-specific baby items like bedding or clothing in advance when you are not completely exhausted dealing with a newborn infant. Or you can give away all of the blue items of clothing of your boy child if the second one is a girl child!

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5.Prepare for the unexpected result. To those who are just over-the-moon thrilled as long as the baby is healthy and complete with all appendages, the fact that some expectant parents do have a strong preference about the gender of the baby will sound very harsh. If you are one of them and refuse to admit it due to the fear of judgment, then finding out the gender in advance will get you psychologically prepared so that you are more likely to peacefully accept what God offers you.

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6.You will receive better gifts for the baby. The truth is that your family and friends tend to be more likely to buy what you need when they know the gender of your baby, which, by the way, will save you some money in turn.

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Top 6 Reasons to Not Find Out Your Unborn Baby’s Gender

1.It is a big surprise! The world we are living in is flooded with information overload rather than surprises everyday. The gender of your baby might be one of the biggest surprises left in your life. So why the heck do you ruin that ‘I see a penis!!!’ or ‘it’s baby girl!!!’ moment that might get you over the moon?

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2.It is not what the 20 week ultrasound is really for. An ultrasound is mainly supposed to find out how your baby is doing in the uterus, not to identify its gender. The ultrasound during the twentieth week is going to check each of the organs of your baby, so it could take a long time. Some parents totally forget the real purpose behind this by focusing on gender identification.

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3.It offers a little extra motivation. It can be a pretty tiring and painful experience to give a birth. That specific final push often takes something, whether strong will from yourself or the encouragement from your husband,  to help scrape your last scrap of energy. It might be a bit weird but some women stated that keeping the gender of their babies unknown does help them get more excited to push harder as they just can’t wait to find out if it is a boy or a girl.

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4.Cut down the disappointment. It is a huge risk to fall into gender disappointment by identifying the gender of the baby in advance for those who have a certain gender preference for their unborn baby. But if you leave that big surprise uncovered until the moment you hold the lovely angel in your arms, how could you possibly feel disappointed?

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5.It could be wrong. As the technician will warn you during the ultrasound scan, this technique can not guarantee a 100% accurate result. There are cases of parents getting a big shock in the birthing room, as they have extensively prepared themselves  materially and mentally for the upcoming baby girl, who, inconveniently as it turns out, turns into a boy.

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6.No insensitive comments on the gender or your baby. “So you are going get a girl! I thought you wanted a boy!”… If you don’t find out, you could avoid this kind of insensitive comments on your  baby’s sex from people around during your pregnancy, especially when you may be feeling a little emotionally fragile.

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