iBaby WiFi Baby Monitor Review – Should You Buy It?

ibaby monitor

iBaby WiFi Baby Monitor Review - Should You Buy It? 1iBaby WiFi Baby Monitor Review - Should You Buy It? 2
The iBaby Baby monitor is an iOS-based wifi camera that equips with several impressive features. It cuts extra hardware by directly connecting to your iOS devices, such as iPad, iPhone and iPod touch, and turns them into a baby video monitor unit via Wi-Fi or 3G network after proper setup.

This simple design brings incredible convenience by providing the capability to switch between the picture of your baby and an ebook or video game on the same device. You will love this if you want making your life simpler and cooler.

Main Benefits of The iBaby WiFi Monitor


  • You can remotely tilt the camera up and down or pan the camera around 360 degrees freely to see the whole room, and the camera is totally quiet when moving.
  • It’s easy to install and set up in 10 minutes, though you need a physical Ethernet wire at initial setup.
  • You can check in on your infant from anywhere via 3G/4G, LTE or Wi-Fi network.

iBaby WiFi Baby Monitor Review - Should You Buy It? 3iBaby WiFi Baby Monitor Review - Should You Buy It? 2
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Other Features

1) It is Exclusively Built for iOS Devices

One feature that sounds appealing to the family is that it supports up to 4 iOS devices to watch the baby simultaneously. You can snapshot the baby from you iOS devices and share the photos with your friends on social network easily. Besides, the monitor system does support multiple cameras and allows you to supervise several rooms at a time.

3) You Can Talk Back to your baby

It allows for two-way communication, a feature that other WiFi-based baby monitors normally don’t have, such as WiFi Baby 2.0. But it just leaves a port for you to attach an extra speaker to the monitor rather than integrating an external speaker.

3) Watch your baby in the night without a lamp

The camera works well even under complete darkness with the help of its infrared night vision. You can keep an eye on your baby during the night without the need to turn on a lamp.

3) Sound Quality is Just Okay

Audio and video quality is good as hardly anyone complained about the sound and video quality. Unlike many monitors, the image of the iBaby M3 under the night vision doesn’t lose much clarity than in the daytime.



  • Some customers did complain that the customer service is unavailable sometimes.
  • The app provided to run on your iOS devices could be unstable sometimes.
  • You need to plug an extra speaker to the jack port of the camera if you want to talk to the baby.



This ibaby WiFi monitor indeed a sleek and versatile wifi baby monitor on the market. Personally, I am a big fan of its elegant shape. It delivers some handy feature that some other top competitors don’t have, such as two way talk and ‘PT’ capacities. However, due to the unstable network connection and software, we would recommend WiFi Baby 3Dropcam pro or FI8910W over it for now, though we still believe it has the potential to be a great baby monitoring product.

iBaby WiFi Baby Monitor Review - Should You Buy It? 5iBaby WiFi Baby Monitor Review - Should You Buy It? 2

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